How to Merge Cells with the Same Value in AG Grid Using Row Span or any other method in React?
Image by Candela -

How to Merge Cells with the Same Value in AG Grid Using Row Span or any other method in React?

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If you’re using AG Grid in your React application to display tabular data, you’ve probably encountered the need to merge cells with the same value. This is a common requirement in many applications, especially when working with large datasets. In this article, we’ll explore how to achieve this using row span and other methods in AG Grid.

: Understanding the Problem

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s understand the problem. Suppose you have a dataset with multiple rows and columns, and you want to display it in a grid. You want to merge cells that have the same value in a particular column. This is where AG Grid’s row span feature comes into play.

Example Scenario

Let’s say you have a dataset that looks like this:

Country City Population
USA New York 8,420,000
USA Los Angeles 3,999,759
Canada Toronto 2,731,571
Canada Vancouver 648,000

In this example, you want to merge the cells in the “Country” column that have the same value, as shown below:

Country City Population
USA New York 8,420,000
Los Angeles 3,999,759
Canada Toronto 2,731,571
Vancouver 648,000

Method 1: Using Row Span

AG Grid provides a built-in feature called row span that allows you to merge cells with the same value. To use row span, you need to define a function that determines the row span for each cell.

Step 1: Define the Row Span Function

Create a function that takes the cell’s value and returns the number of rows to span. In this example, we’ll use the following function:

    const rowSpan = (params) => {
      const { node, colDef, api } = params;
      const fieldValue =[colDef.field];
      const rowsToSpan = api.forEachNodeAfterFilter((node) =>[colDef.field] === fieldValue).length;
      return { rowSpan: rowsToSpan };

Step 2: Configure the Column Definition

Update the column definition to include the row span function:

    const columnDefs = [
        field: 'country',
        rowSpan: rowSpan,
        field: 'city',
        field: 'population',

Step 3: Render the Grid

Finally, render the grid with the updated column definitions:

    import { AgGridReact } from 'ag-grid-react';

    const App = () => {
      return (
params.api.sizeColumnsToFit()} />
); };

Method 2: Using Cell Rendering

Another approach to merge cells with the same value is to use cell rendering. This method allows you to customize the cell’s content and merge cells manually.

Step 1: Define the Cell Renderer

Create a cell renderer function that takes the cell’s value and returns the merged cell content:

    const cellRenderer = (params) => {
      const { value, colDef, api } = params;
      const fieldValue = value;
      const rowsToSpan = api.forEachNodeAfterFilter((node) =>[colDef.field] === fieldValue).length;
      return `

Step 2: Configure the Column Definition

Update the column definition to include the cell renderer function:

    const columnDefs = [
        field: 'country',
        cellRenderer: cellRenderer,
        field: 'city',
        field: 'population',

Step 3: Render the Grid

Finally, render the grid with the updated column definitions:

    import { AgGridReact } from 'ag-grid-react';

    const App = () => {
      return (
params.api.sizeColumnsToFit()} />
); };


In this article, we explored two methods to merge cells with the same value in AG Grid using row span and cell rendering. Both methods allow you to achieve the desired outcome, but the row span method is more efficient and easier to implement.

Best Practices

  • Use row span for simple merging scenarios.
  • Use cell rendering for more complex merging scenarios or custom cell content.
  • Optimize your merging function for performance, especially for large datasets.


For more information on AG Grid and its features, check out the official documentation:

  1. AG Grid React Documentation
  2. AG Grid Row Span Documentation

I hope this article helps you to merge cells with the same value in AG Grid using row span or cell rendering. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “How to Merge Cells with the Same Value in AG Grid Using Row Span or any other method in React?”

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unlock the secrets of AG Grid cell merging in React!

Can I use row span to merge cells with the same value in AG Grid?

Yes, you can use row span to merge cells with the same value in AG Grid. In React, you can achieve this by using the `rowSpan` function and specifying the cells to be merged. This function takes two arguments: the row index and the column index. You can then use this function to merge cells with the same value.

How do I determine which cells to merge in AG Grid?

To determine which cells to merge, you can iterate through the data and check for duplicate values in the column you want to merge. You can use a JavaScript function to compare the values and then set the `rowSpan` property accordingly. For example, you can use a function like `checkDuplicates` to iterate through the data and set the `rowSpan` property based on the duplicate values.

Can I merge cells with the same value across multiple columns in AG Grid?

Yes, you can merge cells with the same value across multiple columns in AG Grid. To achieve this, you can use the `cell_RENDERER` function and specify the columns to be merged. You can then use this function to merge cells with the same value across multiple columns.

Is there an alternative method to row span for merging cells in AG Grid?

Yes, there is an alternative method to row span for merging cells in AG Grid. You can use the `cellrenderer` function to merge cells with the same value. This function allows you to customize the rendering of cells and can be used to merge cells with the same value. Additionally, you can also use the `ag-group-cell-renderer` component to merge cells with the same value.

Can I merge cells with the same value in AG Grid using a custom component?

Yes, you can merge cells with the same value in AG Grid using a custom component. You can create a custom component that extends the `ag-grid-react` component and overrides the `cellRenderer` function. This allows you to customize the rendering of cells and merge cells with the same value using your custom logic.