Invalid Identifier error while using standard_hash function in Oracle 11g? Don’t Panic, We’ve Got You Covered!
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Invalid Identifier error while using standard_hash function in Oracle 11g? Don’t Panic, We’ve Got You Covered!

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Are you stuck with the infamous “Invalid Identifier” error while trying to use the standard_hash function in Oracle 11g? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Oracle 11g and standard_hash, and provide you with a comprehensive guide to troubleshoot and resolve this pesky error once and for all.

What is the standard_hash function?

Before we dive into the error, let’s quickly cover what the standard_hash function does. The standard_hash function is a built-in Oracle function that generates a hash value for a given string. It’s commonly used in data encryption, data masking, and data scrambling. The function takes a string as input and returns a hexadecimal string representing the hash value.


The Invalid Identifier Error: What’s Going On?

So, you’re trying to use the standard_hash function, but Oracle 11g is throwing an “Invalid Identifier” error at you. This error occurs when Oracle can’t find the specified function or identifier. In this case, it’s likely that Oracle can’t find the standard_hash function.

WHERE STANDARD_HASH('Hello, World!', 'SHA256') = 'hashed_value';

ORA-00904: "STANDARD_HASH": invalid identifier

Reasons Behind the Error

There are a few possible reasons why you’re encountering this error:

  • Oracle version: The standard_hash function was introduced in Oracle 12c. If you’re using Oracle 11g, you won’t have access to this function.
  • Function not installed: The standard_hash function might not be installed or enabled in your Oracle database.
  • Typo or incorrect syntax: A simple typo or incorrect syntax can also cause the “Invalid Identifier” error.
  • Privilege issues: You might not have the necessary privileges to use the standard_hash function.

Troubleshooting and Resolution

Now that we’ve identified the possible causes, let’s troubleshoot and resolve the issue:

Check Your Oracle Version

First, check your Oracle version. If you’re using Oracle 11g, you won’t be able to use the standard_hash function. You can check your version by running the following query:


If you’re stuck with Oracle 11g, you can consider upgrading to a newer version or using alternative hashing functions like DBMS_CRYPTO or ORA_HASH.

Install or Enable the Standard_Hash Function

If you’re using Oracle 12c or later, ensure that the standard_hash function is installed and enabled. You can check if the function exists by running the following query:


If the function doesn’t exist, you can install it by running the following script:


Check for Typos and Incorrect Syntax

Double-check your code for any typos or incorrect syntax. Ensure that the function name is correctly spelled, and the parameters are in the correct order.


Check Privileges

Verify that you have the necessary privileges to use the standard_hash function. You can check your privileges by running the following query:


If you don’t have the necessary privileges, you can grant them to your user using the following command:


Alternatives to Standard_Hash

If you’re stuck with Oracle 11g or can’t use the standard_hash function for some reason, there are alternative hashing functions you can use:


The DBMS_CRYPTO package provides a range of hashing algorithms, including SHA-256. You can use it as follows:

  input_string  VARCHAR2(200) := 'Hello, World!';
  hash_value    RAW(32);
  hash_value := DBMS_CRYPTO.HASH(input_string, DBMS_CRYPTO.HASH_SHA256);
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Hash Value: ' || RAWTOHEX(hash_value));


The ORA_HASH function is another built-in Oracle function that generates a hash value for a given string. It’s not as secure as the standard_hash function, but it’s a viable alternative:



In this article, we’ve covered the “Invalid Identifier” error that occurs when using the standard_hash function in Oracle 11g. We’ve identified the possible reasons behind the error and provided troubleshooting steps to resolve the issue. Additionally, we’ve discussed alternative hashing functions you can use if you’re stuck with Oracle 11g or can’t use the standard_hash function.

Remember, troubleshooting is an art, and sometimes it takes a little creativity and patience to resolve issues. If you’re still stuck, don’t hesitate to reach out to your Oracle community or seek help from a certified Oracle professional.

Happy troubleshooting!

Function Description
STANDARD_HASH Generates a hash value for a given string using a specified algorithm.
DBMS_CRYPTO.HASH Generates a hash value for a given string using a specified algorithm.
ORA_HASH Generates a hash value for a given string using a proprietary algorithm.

Oracle 11g is an old version, and it’s recommended to upgrade to a newer version for better performance, security, and feature support. If you’re unable to upgrade, using alternative hashing functions can help you achieve your goals.

We hope this article has been informative and helpful in resolving your “Invalid Identifier” error. If you have any further questions or topics you’d like us to cover, feel free to leave a comment below!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to troubleshoot the notorious “Invalid Identifier” error while using the standard_hash function in Oracle 11g!

Q1: What is the standard_hash function, and why am I getting an “Invalid Identifier” error?

The standard_hash function is a built-in Oracle function used to generate a hash value for a given input string. The “Invalid Identifier” error usually occurs when Oracle can’t recognize the function or the column used in the function. Make sure the function and column names are spelled correctly, and that the column exists in the table.

Q2: I’ve checked the function and column names, but I’m still getting the error. What’s next?

Try enclosing the column name in double quotes and ensure that the case matches the actual column name in the table. For example, standard_hash(“MY_COLUMN”) instead of standard_hash(my_column). Also, check if the column is of a data type that’s compatible with the standard_hash function.

Q3: I’m using a select statement with the standard_hash function. Could this be causing the error?

Yes, the select statement could be the culprit. Make sure you’re not using the standard_hash function in a select statement that’s trying to select the entire table (*) or multiple columns. Instead, specify the exact column(s) you want to hash. For example, SELECT standard_hash(column_name) FROM table_name.

Q4: Are there any Oracle versions or restrictions that might affect the standard_hash function?

Yes, the standard_hash function was introduced in Oracle 12c. If you’re using Oracle 11g, you won’t have access to this function. You might need to use a different hashing function or upgrade to a compatible Oracle version.

Q5: I’ve tried all the above, but I’m still getting the “Invalid Identifier” error. What’s my next step?

Time to dig deeper! Check the Oracle error log for more detailed information about the error. You can also try breaking down your query into smaller parts to isolate the issue. If you’re still stuck, consider reaching out to an Oracle expert or seeking help from online forums.